Lustre 750ml
Lustre 750ml
Crisp, citrusy and bright, Lustre livens up every occasion with a refreshing blend of orange, tarragon, and lavender. Simply mix with tonic water and pour over ice to instantly transport your backyard barbecue to the lush, refreshing lakes and rivers of the Pacific Northwest.
How Does It Taste?
Citrus | Herbaceous | Floral
Seville orange, tarragon, and lavender combine for a tangy and fresh spirit with bright citrus notes and an herbaceous finish.
Raw botanicals in Lustre are gently vacuum distilled, drawing out their true forms.
Bitter Orange
Harvested in arid, sunny climates around the Mediterranean, bitter orange is fresh and floral with acidic undertones.
A classic ingredient in French cuisine, tarragon leaf boasts garden-fresh, bittersweet notes reminiscent of basil and licorice.
Famous for its relaxing qualities, lavender’s aromatic and sweet notes lend pleasant woody and subtly floral tones that complement citrusy compositions.
Nutritional Info
Key Botanicals
Mixes Well With
A Simple and Delicious Suggestion
Add 2 oz Lustre to a Collins glass filled with ice. Top with 3 oz tonic water and garnish with an orange wheel.
Check out Wilderton's cocktail page for more recipe ideas!
What does Lustre taste like?
Lustre was made for those warm, sunny afternoons by the water, and if that's not where you are this will take you there. This botanical non-alcoholic spirit is citrus-forward, herbaceous and floral, made with Seville orange, tarragon and lavender. A tangy and fresh combination that pairs wonderfully with tonic water and an orange wheel over ice.
How do you drink it?
Lustre is delicious with tonic water and an orange wheel over ice. However you decide to drink it, let us lend you some inspiration with our favorite Wilderton cocktail recipes.
Wilderton Lustre is classified by the FDA as non-alcoholic (with less than 0.1% ABV).
Calorie Free
Wilderton Lustre is calorie free so you don’t have to worry about counting calories!
Gluten Free
Wilderton Lustre is naturally gluten free and made from natural botanicals to pack in flavor without any unnecessary additives.